Carole Franck Paris is a company specialized in the manufacture and sale of SPA cosmetics, owned by the Korean investment fund Nature&Nature. After acquiring the company, the directors decided to revamp the brand's visual identity with a new logo and a new cosmetics line comprising primary and secondary packs.
The logo takes the iris, the brand's emblem, coupled with a typographic play inspired by the credits of Yòrgos Làntimos' film "La favorite". The aim was to create a logo that was both "elegant and its own", as specified by the client. This was followed by the creation of a cosmetics line comprising four declinations, separated by target age group (flora botanica, aroma botanica, folium botanica and herba botanica). The line is intended for teleshopping in Japan and Korea.
The third step was to decorate their showroom. I created a large illustration on the theme of Paris, as well as an animation featuring the iris, integrating 3D com positing and animated textures, all finalized with After Effect. I also had to create banners with the logo and visuals derived from the video to decorate the windows. It was a great project that allowed me to get to know and cover a whole range of the world of cosmetics creation.